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San Diego Head-On Collision Accident Lawyer

Have you been injured in a high-speed head-on collision? Are you dealing with debilitating injuries? Did you sustain crush injuries to your legs or arms? Did you require surgery for a collapsed lung? Did you lose a limb as a result of amputation during the collision?

The Levinson Law Group only handles vehicle collision cases, including auto versus autocar versus truckmotorcyclebicycle, skateboard, and pedestrian. We are experts at every phase of a crash, from the initial investigation to settlement and a trial if required. Gordon Levinson once represented some of the biggest insurance companies in North America. He knows about the insurance game in great depth. Our years of insider knowledge are on your side.

Head-On Accident Statistics

More than 90 Americans die in vehicle crashes every day, and 3 million are injured every year in crashes. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), a total of 22,416 passenger vehicle occupants died in 2019. In 2017, 13,775 died in collisions. Head-on collisions caused 55 percent of passenger car occupant deaths, while side impacts totaled 28 percent of deaths.

What to Do After a Head-On Collision

Car accidents are never expected. However, it is good to understand what you should do in case of a crash. After any vehicle accident, you should adhere to the following steps:

  1. Call 911.
  2. Seek medical help.
  3. Exchange contact and insurance information.
  4. Take pictures of the accident scene.
  5. Exchange contact information with any witnesses.
  6. Reach out to one of our attorneys at The Levinson Law Group.

The Levinson Law Group is different from other personal injury law firms because they have years of expertise dealing with car accidents of all kinds. Put our experience, expertise, and insider knowledge on your side. We accept cases on a contingent fee basis. That means if there is no recovery in your case, you pay no fee. And in most cases, we even advance the costs.

Common Injuries in Head-On Collisions

Car accidents are never expected. They often end up with the victims sustaining serious injuries or a fatality. Head-on collisions are particularly horrific. The impact of a head-on crash always results in injuries and even death.

Some of the most common injuries sustained in head-on accidents include, but are not limited to:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Seat belt injuries
  • Fractures
  • Amputations
  • Internal organ damage
  • Spinal cord damage
  • Airbag injuries
  • Crush injuries
  • Ejection injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Burn injuries

Causes Most Often Cited for Head-On Collisions

The causes most often cited for head-on collisions include:

  • Impaired driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Driving while fatigued
  • Improperly overtake another vehicle to pass
  • Not driving appropriates according to weather conditions

Compensation in Head-On Collisions

If you were injured in a head-on accident, you might be entitled to compensation for the injuries and damages you sustained. Even if you are partially at fault, you may still recover compensation.

Accident victims have two paths to compensation, economic and noneconomic damages. Economic damages are meant to compensate you for actual economic losses. Examples of economic damages include:

  • Medical expenses in the past and future
  • Loss of earning capacity in the past and future

Noneconomic damages include:

  • Physical pain in the past and future
  • Mental anguish in the past and future
  • Physical impairment in the past and future
  • Disfigurement

Contact the Head-On Accident Lawyer

If you or someone you love was injured in a head-on crash, give our San Diego car accident lawyers a call. We can answer any questions you have about what happened. If you decide to file a compensation claim, we will work with you to obtain the compensation you deserve.

When you decide to work with The Levinson Law Group, you can rest assured that you will have someone in your corner throughout the entire process. To learn more about your options, give The Levinson Law Group a call at 760-840-2304. We accept cases on a contingent fee. That means that if there is no recovery in your case, you pay no fee. And in most cases, we even advance the costs.

We Fight For You Against The Big Insurance Companies.

Experts in vehicle cases. Dedicated to our community. Rated as one of the best. Let the Levinson Law Group represent you to get the best outcome for your case and be cared for along the way.

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